Yoga for Kids: Tales for Yoga : Clever Like a Monkey A tale along with postures for conquering one's fears (Tales of Yoga) (পেপারব্যাক)
Yoga for Kids: Tales for Yoga : Clever Like a Monkey A tale along with postures for conquering one's fears (Tales of Yoga) (পেপারব্যাক)
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A collection centred on the well-being of the child through the discovery of yoga and gaining control over his emotions. Through the words of the tale, yoga invites the child to imitate the characters, their actions and emotions, thanks to the postures that flow naturally in a sequence. This African tale and its joyful and dynamic postures give your child the real feeling of well-being as he develops his ability to live life joyfully. Your child relaxes as he laughs and follows the adventures of malisco, the Cleverest monkey in the forest. Will he manage to get the better of the crocodile that guards the river? 1 tale 9 illustrated postures with their benefits explained breathing, relaxation and meditation exercises guidelines for conducting the sequence.

Title : Yoga for Kids: Tales for Yoga : Clever Like a Monkey A tale along with postures for conquering one's fears (Tales of Yoga)
Author : থেরেসি ডুফোর
Publisher : ওম বুকস ইন্টারন্যাশনাল
ISBN : 9789353760571
Edition : 2019
Number of Pages : 32
Country : India
Language : English

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